Guitar Pedal

This is a simple, small project aimed at dipping my toes into Cinema 4D and the Redshift render engine to experiment with various methods and develop my knowledge of the tools in my arsenal.

I have this guitar pedal sitting in my room, unused, and I thought it could be a nice subject to model and render.
So, I modeled it in ZBrush, resulting in a fairly high polygon count to ensure the best possible render quality, and then textured it in Substance Painter.

In the few days I've spent working with Redshift, I've found it to be very fast compared to other render engines, such as Cycles in Blender. However, over the past few months, I've actually been using Substance Stager to render my models. I haven't decided yet which one I like better, this will take more time to play around with and decide. But if you're interested in doing some product animation, Redshift in Cinema 4D is the way to go. I've experimented a bit with animation just for fun, nothing too complicated, but I definitely plan to explore more animation in the future.