Making Of / 28 November 2023

Stylized Sword

In this small project, I followed a 'Level Up Digital' tutorial but added my own spin to mix things up, incorporating a reference concept from Moniek Schilder.

In the blocking stage, I imported the image into ZBrush and used Z Spheres to trace the model. This workflow was my first attempt, and overall, I believe it went well. There is a learning curve associated with it, but once mastered, it's liberating to be able to draw the geometry exactly as you want it.

In the sculpting stage, I utilized DynaMesh to create all the parts and ensure even distribution of faces. It's crucial to sculpt in this manner. At this point, I allowed myself to modify the model's silhouette, anticipating the need to re-apologize for a more game-ready asset.

In the retopology stage, the focus was on creating quad topology and introducing triangulation where it made sense, particularly on flat surfaces. For example, the metal sword part consisted mostly of triangles that converge at the center of the mesh where the mirror is located above it anyway.

In the realm of UV mapping, I employed a UDIM layout with two tiles to attain higher resolution textures in the render.

This small project significantly contributed to leveling up my skills. It encompassed various aspects such as sculpting stylized details, retopology, UV mapping, and texturing—tasks I've undertaken in the past. However, with each new asset created from scratch, this workflow continues to improve and refine.